Wednesday, April 21, 2010


TAXES & Fossil Fuel

How does this situation balance out and where does the short fall come from?
Cycle for the development of fossil fuel:
Request for EXPLORATION, contract awarded, personnel hired equipment activated and all transported to exploration site.
Potential fields located:
Mobilization of drilling equipment, transportation to site, exploratory activity commence, personnel added, fuel shipped, support material delivered, survey developed etc.
Recovery development and recovery initiated:
Camps started, families moved in, recovery system initiated, gathering, processing, transportation, storage and distribution points put in motion.
Distribution centers and delivery processes initiated:
Distributors established, customer base established and consumption of fuel initiated
Additional Government intervention initiated:
Usage fees, environmental fees for usage and by produces monitoring plus or systems installed for exhaust or by-product pollution, and Royalties, and permits imposed.

All items gather revenue for the Governments, Federal, State and Local, a huge amount of money supporting a variety of Necessary and justified programs.

Wind Mills and Solar Panels will be bought from overseas manufactures, probably China, shipped to the US, Installed and connected to a grid.

How much revenue will this produce and who will make up the difference?
Where will the unemployed workforce end up?
Is this a good plan?
Is this designed to destroy the economy?
How much more power shall the government gain by imposing poverty on the working middle classes?


Saturday, November 28, 2009

Exceptional Achievers

In my journey through life I often wondered what physical and mental characteristics caused some people to rise above the average person. Define average; I would say average is at or below the successful level in life. This status is usually achieved by hard physical work, better than average formal education, a varied background of experience or a combination of afore mentioned items.

My observations to date have indicated two characteristics must be present to rise above the successful category. The first is a photographic memory and second is exceptional sight or ability to track fast moving objects or comprehend visual items at a high rate of speed.

The photographic memory is self explanatory but alone does not make the super powered person, but gives a person the ability to comprehend and retain information in greater quantities.

The sight theory was more difficult to recognize until I observed two events which tied it to the memory. First item was a study on wild game and the ability to see or not to see physical mass. It was observed that a duck is not able to see items moving more than 40 miles an hour, restricting the size of their ability to mass information about their surroundings. Second was a statement from Tiger Woods when describing his golf swing after he hit a perfect drive. He stated that as the club head approached the ball he noticed the club face was slightly open but was able to correct the problem before he struck the ball. Baseball players that have that exceptional sight are better hitters because they can follow the ball through the pitch. How many of you could swing a golf club and say the clubface was not at the right angle before you hit the ball? How many of you did not see the ball when it was a few feet from the bat? Good skeet and trap shooters have this characteristic to varying degrees. This exceptional sight broadens a persons world because they see more and in greater detail, linked with the photographic memory makes them exceptional.

The key to all this is the desire to focus and utilize this power to the best of their ability.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


Humans were conceived for the purpose of learning, storing and utilizing information.

Birth and development to puberty was the start of the data bank which evolved into productive humans

The first humans were primary storage units basically concerned with:
Survival through

As the population increased and time passed some of these primitive instincts were developed. The learned activities were passed on to the younger humans who in turn had more free time to broaden their data base.

As time passed and human’s data bases broadened, they started to interface with each other merging data and developing better or more advanced methods to survive.

Throughout the centuries our databases were expanded and the interaction for development became more complex. The initial split created two characteristics, Reality and imagination.

The development of a finished product started with imagination and was constructed by reality.

When storage units were initiated, no two units were the same but each unit had a high end and a low end for functioning. In addition to this some sub standard and some super units evolved.

With the passage of time the knowledge passed on through heredity, learning and experience gave birth to another characteristic, Common Sense.

We now have units that are able to think by utilization of reality, common sense, learned data, experience, imagination and information passed on through heredity. The one fault with all units is none of the tools listed above are distributed in their full potential with all having different levels of intensity.

With this scenario in mind, we can see that our goals through imagination and construction of a final product are only limited by the size of our data base and our imagination.