Saturday, November 28, 2009

Exceptional Achievers

In my journey through life I often wondered what physical and mental characteristics caused some people to rise above the average person. Define average; I would say average is at or below the successful level in life. This status is usually achieved by hard physical work, better than average formal education, a varied background of experience or a combination of afore mentioned items.

My observations to date have indicated two characteristics must be present to rise above the successful category. The first is a photographic memory and second is exceptional sight or ability to track fast moving objects or comprehend visual items at a high rate of speed.

The photographic memory is self explanatory but alone does not make the super powered person, but gives a person the ability to comprehend and retain information in greater quantities.

The sight theory was more difficult to recognize until I observed two events which tied it to the memory. First item was a study on wild game and the ability to see or not to see physical mass. It was observed that a duck is not able to see items moving more than 40 miles an hour, restricting the size of their ability to mass information about their surroundings. Second was a statement from Tiger Woods when describing his golf swing after he hit a perfect drive. He stated that as the club head approached the ball he noticed the club face was slightly open but was able to correct the problem before he struck the ball. Baseball players that have that exceptional sight are better hitters because they can follow the ball through the pitch. How many of you could swing a golf club and say the clubface was not at the right angle before you hit the ball? How many of you did not see the ball when it was a few feet from the bat? Good skeet and trap shooters have this characteristic to varying degrees. This exceptional sight broadens a persons world because they see more and in greater detail, linked with the photographic memory makes them exceptional.

The key to all this is the desire to focus and utilize this power to the best of their ability.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


Humans were conceived for the purpose of learning, storing and utilizing information.

Birth and development to puberty was the start of the data bank which evolved into productive humans

The first humans were primary storage units basically concerned with:
Survival through

As the population increased and time passed some of these primitive instincts were developed. The learned activities were passed on to the younger humans who in turn had more free time to broaden their data base.

As time passed and human’s data bases broadened, they started to interface with each other merging data and developing better or more advanced methods to survive.

Throughout the centuries our databases were expanded and the interaction for development became more complex. The initial split created two characteristics, Reality and imagination.

The development of a finished product started with imagination and was constructed by reality.

When storage units were initiated, no two units were the same but each unit had a high end and a low end for functioning. In addition to this some sub standard and some super units evolved.

With the passage of time the knowledge passed on through heredity, learning and experience gave birth to another characteristic, Common Sense.

We now have units that are able to think by utilization of reality, common sense, learned data, experience, imagination and information passed on through heredity. The one fault with all units is none of the tools listed above are distributed in their full potential with all having different levels of intensity.

With this scenario in mind, we can see that our goals through imagination and construction of a final product are only limited by the size of our data base and our imagination.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

This morning when I woke there was a fresh cover of snow on the mountains,informing us that summer has not arrived at this time. The good news is, it didn't look like this.

Saturday, May 16, 2009




In my lifetime I have tried to master the art of NEGOTIATIONS and COMBAT. NEGOTIATIONS to ensure peace with ones neighbors and COMBAT to ensure the freedom TO NEGOTIATE and to live in peace.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

One of my friends lost a riding buddy in an avalanche which almost caught him and after searching for a couple of weeks they recovered the body, bringing closure to the tragedy.
My friend Paul died in his sleep while at his home in Hawaii and a gathering was held at the Lyons Club House in Eagle River. There were about seventy five people attending and the program was very good, MC was Al Bowler. Paul never wanted a sorrow party so Arlene had a festive gathering which turned out well. Live music, slide show, speeches and a great buffet rounded out the evening. That’s the way I wish to be remembered, great send off for an avid golfer.
The good news was about the price of gas being reduced by fifty cents a gallon, compliments of the Christian Fellowship in Eagle River. I thought I was dreaming when the price was posted, the sale lasted about six hours and I filled my truck.
My computer has been down for upgrading so have been off line for a while and still working the bugs out, I wonder if RAID would help. SKYPE is now functional on my computer but the only other people on my system are Steve Rettke and Andy Anderson but that is a lot of entertainment for a day. If any of you activate the program please advise me so I will have the ability to communicate.

Friday, March 6, 2009

From my new HD camera card, first recorded picture.
Great parking job, right between the trees

I don't think there is a side road here

Other side Up

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

This Sunday I opened my eyes to a beautiful cold day, dressed and went for coffee at Jitters. It was so nice out and I could see the Eagles and Ravens gathering for the Sunday feast, so I decided to take a few pictures and here are some of them.
Does this stuff give you heart burn?

This is where I put my foot down, no more sports on Sunday

The Family tree, they do look like they may be related.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

This is a typical scene at Jitters Coffee shop in Eagle River, especially during bad weather.

The snow continues as the driver education classes take it's toll. Five hours before these pictures were taken was the start of what is posted below.

On my travels to Eagle river for my daily caffeine fix I observed three vehicles off the road, one on the South side of the Eklutna Creek hill, a usual place to experience an off road thrill, but still on it’s wheels. The next two were by the South Birchwood Bridge, one of which had rolled several times but was upright as I arrived and the other just slid off the road and was on the bank by the bridge. Two fire trucks and a couple of police vehicles were attending the incident when another vehicle went cross country on the opposite side of the highway. This is driver education day with a class of slow learners. On my way home I encountered a new batch of students by Birchwood, pictures of some but not all are listed below. On the news it was reported a 16 car pile up South of Eagle River, most likely on the hill.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Looking out to the breakfast area, my room is to the right.

Part of John's living room and looking into the master bedroom.

While in Kona I stayed with John and Barbra. Their house is at the 1200 foot level so it is always cool to them, 70 to 75 deg F and usually gets an afternoon rain or an evening shower neither last very long. John and I worked on the pipeline when they lived in Alaska but had this house in Kona for years. When I stayed at John’s house I had my own bedroom and bath which was very nice. My bedroom opened to a large screened porch which ran the full length of the house overlooking Kona and the ocean. I always kept the sliding glass doors open so I could hear the ocean and traffic from below, sometimes when the locals were practicing their Hula routine I would hear the chants and beating on the Gourds.While staying with John and Barbra I became friends with their two Rottweiler Puppies, weighing in at about 90 pounds each. “Kai” the male took up with me but I never figured out why, Maybe I slipped him snacks and tidbits from the store and carried dog biscuits most of the time. “Kai” was my alarm clock and every morning at 0600 hrs I would wake up with the feeling that I was being watched, so when I opened my eyes, there was Kai about 2 feet from my face staring me right in the eyes. As soon as my eyes opened he started to wiggle from the tail to his head and prompted me to get up. You can’t argue with a force like that, so I started my day.The routine was great, get up make some fresh brewed Kona Coffee, shower, dress (shorts, golf shirt, sandals, and a smile). By the time I was ready to rock and roll Barbra had breakfast ready. John, Barbra and I would eat on the porch listening to the birds and breathe in the fresh ocean air. We would set down to fresh Papaya, Strawberry Bananas, Hawaiian bread toasted lightly with lots of butter and POG to replace Orange juice. Watch a little news then off to the WW II airstrip for a morning walk before it became too hot.The walking trail is about 10 minutes from the house and was donated by some local groups who had it paved and designated for foot traffic only. The trail which is on the lava flats about 200 yds. from the ocean and a nice beach with a picnic area, was constructed in two elliptical paths. The paths are 0.7 of a mile and 0.3 of a mile breaking it up so you were not committed to a full mile if you so desired. The trails are maintained by local people on a voluntary basis and are kept vibrant with trees, flowers, ferns and succulents. I will go into more detail at a later time.
My friends, John and Barbra have a great kitchen.

My Brother

Well, my brother showed up and only stayes a day, not enough action or excitement at Southpoint. He doesn't play golf and usually does not appear during daylight hours, but he does have fun. He is headed back to Oahu where he will expend his energies.

The Bowler Ranch

Well this is a story about the Resort we were traveling too. I like to call it the “BOWLER RANCH”. There are dogs, chickens, birds, pigs, horses, donkeys, a Zebra (yes a Zebra) and some really long horned cattle in the area and can be seen on a regular basis. There are Lava Tubes in the area also and in fact some located on the Ranch, they are actually caves which are explored by Al’s neighbors. The Cavers, as they are known locally, will give you a tour of the caves, and study them frequently. Other critters in the area are the pre-historic Moths which have a wing span of up to 6” (the biggest one I have seen) and they are not afraid of you. I believe they live in the caves and are attracted to lights at night.The land or I should say the property base is an actual Lava flow with intricate patterns, shapes, color and texture. The area for the house was tested for hollow spots or caverns to ensure a solid foundation for the house and other construction areas. To develop the property, crushed lava, dirt and selected rock had to be hauled in to for the driveways, parking areas, lanai, flower beds and tree bases.There are some natural trees in the area but very few around here or should I say at this elevation which makes a huge difference in rain fall, temperature and vegetation. Al has a tree (I believe it is an Ohelo Tree) as the centerpiece for the front yard; it is a work of art, partly covered with leaves and part dormant, with twisted and crooked branches which add to one of natures master pieces. Other species planted in the area are Cactus, succulents, shrubs, palms and vines.Two of the varieties deserve to be expanded on, the Bougainvillea and the Ironwood trees, both varieties are established all over the island. First will be the Bougainvillea, classified as evergreen in wet climates and deciduous in dry areas. If given some soil, fertilizer and water on a regular basis, two to four times a week, the plants will take hold and produce a beautiful crop of flowers and thorns tipped with a black waxy substance. The plants will grow a vine up to 12’long which could tear you to shreds if you are caught in them. Some people plant them as a hedge around the property to keep all critters out. They are thick and impenetrable so nothing except bugs gets through them, but they are beautiful and come in a variety of colors.The other plant or I should say tree to discuss is the Iron Wood Tree. They are fast growing, about a foot a year and are soft and supple with fine leaves or needles. At certain stages of life or seasons the tops get a yellow powder on them, probably pollen which attracts bees like honey. They softly sway in the breeze and you can hear the wind whisper in the branches as they slowly sway like an exotic dancer to slow, soft music.Development of the landscape is an ongoing project and a trial and error situation due to the requirements of new species and the ability to have scheduled care and water applied. The local weather patterns appear to have been routed around the local area, probably due to the hills and being close to South Point, therefore it is a dry area. Although rain is scarce, when it does rain here it can be intense and last a few hours.
The trip to South Point or I should say Ocean View was a pleasurable drive along the coast. The speed signs here will drive you crazy, 35 MPH, then 25 MPH then 45 MPH then 55 MPH then they sneak a sign in that says 45 MPH Minimum speed in small letters then back to 35. All towns are 25 or 35, all intersections are 35 all winding roads are 35 all public facilities (fire stations) are 35, schools are 25. You will get used to it after a while. The mile markers From Hilo to Kona start at Hilo with Mile 1 and North of Kona the Mile post markers start at Kawaihae Harbor at the town of Hawaihae and continue South East to Kona or MP 100. The Municipal Dump South of Kona on the road to Al’s Ranch is at MP 100, drinking water is between 102 and 103, Ocean View (our destination) is at 178, and the straight road starts at MP 189 and stays straight past Ocean View. There is a small town at MP 175 and has a gas station, small grocery store, Post Office and Diner. On Saturday they have Open Market that is comparable to a huge garage and produce sale. The best part is the vegetables and flowers dirt cheap and abundant. Ocean View is a gated community with a secret combination ( 1225 ) December 25 for Christmas, don’t tell anyone what it is. Passing through the gate will be your introduction to Ocean View, and a down hill ride to the Bowler Ranch on the right side of the road. During daylight hours you can see the round flower beds made from lava rock and approximately 5’ across and 2’ high, with Bougainvillea growing in them. At night or when the moon is not out it gives new meaning to the term “Dark”. It is totally black so Al has installed lights in the flower beds which charge the batteries all day, come on at dark and burn most of the night. When approaching the area and driving up the driveway, it gives you the impression you are at an airport, landing an airplane. Great adventure day or night, well we are here, lets unpack and get going.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

My New Golf Partner

We won, the picture says it all. Any questions? New experiences at evry turn and excitement beyond belief.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

The natural, old, new and the future (windmills)

Red B Flowers

Gold B Flowers

Blood on the Sunset over Centerpiece

Sunset in cloudy horizons

Sun rise over lava beds

Lava 2

Lava Flow 1

Center piece at Dusk

Al's Environment

These pictures show some of the views from the house.
Well this is a story about the Resort we were traveling too. I like to call it the “BOWLER RANCH”. There are dogs, chickens, birds, pigs, horses, donkeys, a Zebra (yes a Zebra) and some really long horned cattle in the area and can be seen on a regular basis. There are Lava Tubes in the area also and in fact some located on the Ranch, they are actually caves which are explored by Al’s neighbors. The Cavers, as they are known locally, will give you a tour of the caves, and study them frequently. Other critters in the area are the pre-historic Moths which have a wing span of up to 6” (the biggest one I have seen) and they are not afraid of you. I believe they live in the caves and are attracted to lights at night.
The land or I should say the property base is an actual Lava flow with intricate patterns, shapes, color and texture. The area for the house was tested for hollow spots or caverns to ensure a solid foundation for the house and other construction areas. To develop the property, crushed lava, dirt and selected rock had to be hauled in to for the driveways, parking areas, lanai, flower beds and tree bases.
There are some natural trees in the area but very few around here or should I say at this elevation which makes a huge difference in rain fall, temperature and vegetation. Al has a tree (I believe it is an Ohelo Tree) as the centerpiece for the front yard; it is a work of art, partly covered with leaves and part dormant, with twisted and crooked branches which add to one of natures master pieces. Other species planted in the area are Cactus, succulents, shrubs, palms and vines.
Two of the varieties deserve to be expanded on, the Bougainvillea and the Ironwood trees, both varieties are established all over the island. First will be the Bougainvillea, classified as evergreen in wet climates and deciduous in dry areas. If given some soil, fertilizer and water on a regular basis, two to four times a week, the plants will take hold and produce a beautiful crop of flowers and thorns tipped with a black waxy substance. The plants will grow a vine up to 12’long which could tear you to shreds if you are caught in them. Some people plant them as a hedge around the property to keep all critters out. They are thick and impenetrable so nothing except bugs gets through them, but they are beautiful and come in a variety of colors.
The other plant or I should say tree to discuss is the Iron Wood Tree. They are fast growing, about a foot a year and are soft and supple with fine leaves or needles. At certain stages of life or seasons the tops get a yellow powder on them, probably pollen which attracts bees like honey. They softly sway in the breeze and you can hear the wind whisper in the branches as they slowly sway like an exotic dancer to slow, soft music.
Development of the landscape is an ongoing project and a trial and error situation due to the requirements of new species and the ability to have scheduled care and water applied. The local weather patterns appear to have been routed around the local area, probably due to the hills and being close to South Point, therefore it is a dry area. Although rain is scarce, when it does rain here it can be intense and last a few hours.
The trip to South Point or I should say Ocean View was a pleasurable drive along the coast. The speed signs here will drive you crazy, 35 MPH, then 25 MPH then 45 MPH then 55 MPH then they sneak a sign in that says 45 MPH Minimum speed in small letters then back to 35. All towns are 25 or 35, all intersections are 35 all winding roads are 35 all public facilities (fire stations) are 35, schools are 25. You will get used to it after a while. The mile markers From Hilo to Kona start at Hilo with Mile 1 and North of Kona the Mile post markers start at Kawaihae Harbor at the town of Hawaihae and continue South East to Kona or MP 100. The Municipal Dump South of Kona on the road to Al’s Ranch is at MP 100, drinking water is between 102 and 103, Ocean View (our destination) is at 178, and the straight road starts at MP 189 and stays straight past Ocean View. There is a small town at MP 175 and has a gas station, small grocery store, Post Office and Diner. On Saturday they have Open Market that is comparable to a huge garage and produce sale. The best part is the vegetables and flowers dirt cheap and abundant. Ocean View is a gated community with a secret combination ( 1225 ) December 25 for Christmas, don’t tell anyone what it is. Passing through the gate will be your introduction to Ocean View, and a down hill ride to the Bowler Ranch on the right side of the road. During daylight hours you can see the round flower beds made from lava rock and approximately 5’ across and 2’ high, with Bougainvillea growing in them. At night or when the moon is not out it gives new meaning to the term “Dark”. It is totally black so Al has installed lights in the flower beds which charge the batteries all day, come on at dark and burn most of the night. When approaching the area and driving up the driveway, it gives you the impression you are at an airport, landing an airplane. Great adventure day or night, well we are here, lets unpack and get going.

Sunday, January 18, 2009